Release 2.0

This major release brings threaded downloading.

RMD is now capable of concurrently downloading media files, massively shortening total run time.


  • Fix for multiple filename-related bugs
  • This includes auto-shortening of long paths for Windows. This fixes #19, and closes #20.
  • Also should properly handle edge-cases.
  • Patched a few mild, situational logical errors.
  • Adjusted the Wizard to react more intelligently.
  • The output during runtime now refreshes to better track thread progress.
  • The printout will attempt to dynamically resize to fit supported consoles. (beta)
  • Non-refreshing functionality - similar to the original - can be enabled in the settings.

Note: For anybody having issues with renaming/deleting files created on certain Windows platforms, a tool has been included (in /classes/tools/win_file_fixer) to automatically repair these files. I've made sure to sanitize all filenames so similar bugs can't happen in the future.