Installing RMD

It only takes 1-3 simple steps to get RMD running, and they are outlined here.

Use a Prebuild Release Binary:

If you'd like to avoid having to install or manage anything, simple download one of the release Asset binaries. These are the "Asset" files attached to the latest release.

The binaries should work on most platforms. They are compiled on the latest version of Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu-16.04.

For the most part, using any of the binary releases should be as simple as downloading and launching them.

If the premade binaries cannot work on your platform, or if you'd prefer to manually install, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install Python

Get Python 3.5+ Installed. The latest version will do.

Step 2: Download RMD

Download this program, either using git or by clicking here (Latest Release is suggested). If you download the zip, unpack it.

Step 3: Install Packages

Install dependencies: launch a terminal inside wherever you saved the program folder, and run the line:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Windows Note: You can open a terminal in the folder by holding shift and right-clicking the folder (not the files inside it), then selecting "Open Window Here"

Note: If there are multiple Python installations on your machine, make sure you're running pip3.

You're Done!

Move on to the "Running & Configuration" guide to launch RMD and set up your Reddit account!